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How to have a non-chocolate Easter

Like all major holidays Easter has grown increasingly commercialised. These days it seems like Easter is all about chocolate easter eggs which have been in the shops since just after Christmas! Don’t get me wrong, I love chocolate and you can read all about the benefits of dark chocolate in my blog here. However, if you want to have a chocolate free (or almost) Easter why not consider some alternatives that relate more to the real origins of Easter.

Origins of Easter

Prior to Easter being a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Christ, it was a pagan festival celebrating spring in the Northern hemisphere. In the 6th century, St. Bede the Venerable wrote in the Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (Ecclesiastical History of the English People), that the English word Easter comes from Eostre, or Eostrae, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility.

Christian or not, Easter is about celebrating the new life, growth and energy that Spring brings.

Non-chocolate Easter gifts

Going with the Easter theme of Spring and new growth consider the following gifts for Easter instead of chocolate.

  • Spring vegetable, herb or flower seeds to plant. Maybe combine with a mini propagator set.

  • Potted spring bulbs, herbs or vegetables.

  • Bees wax candles.

  • Bees wax, propolis and honey body products.

  • Flower essences such as Yorkshire Flower Essences Scintilla Spring Mister to spray in your living and working areas to welcome Spring's new energy and focus.

  • Cookbooks focusing on Spring produce recipes.

  • Spring cleaning books including any on Feng Shui.

  • Gift vouchers for: plants; meal or afternoon tea at a restaurant; gardening / flower arranging / cooking / craft course; spa day, retreat or body treatment.

Easter activities linked to Spring

  • Get out in nature for a walk, run, hike, climb, sail, picnic.

  • Visit a RHS garden or historic house garden to enjoy the beauty of spring flowers and trees in bloom.

  • Arrange an outdoor sporting or dancing event with friends and family.

  • Do some gardening and plant something new.

  • Make an indoor terrarium .

  • Do a flower arranging course.

  • Visit a farmer’s market for seasonal produce.

  • Search recipes and cook a seasonal meal or picnic snacks for yourself and / or others.

  • Host a Spring garden tea party.

  • Hold a cocktail / mocktail making evening with friends and enjoy spring drinks. You can find lots of recipes online

  • Spring clean a drawer, cupboard or room.

  • Switch out winter décor in your house for spring décor: replace fluffy throws with lighter ones; replace winter fragrant candles with spring/summer ones; add in potted bulbs and vases of fresh spring flowers; swap dark colours in cushions, placemats, napkins, sheets etc with lighter colours.

  • Make some easter decorations – you’ll find lots of ideas on Pinterest.

  • Visit a spa for some R&R or create a spa like day at home for yourself or invite friends to join you.

Find more ideas on working with the energy of Spring see my blog here

Spring mind and body selfcare treatments and practices

Spring clean your mind. See ideas in my blog here.

Get your body ready for Spring with a therapy treatment such massage, reiki, Bowen technique, reflexology, an herbal medicine / homeopathy / aromatherapy / body work consultation. If you live near Ilkley see the therapies on offer at Ilkley Complementary Therapies where myself and colleagues work. If not, search online for similar places to book a treatment.

Over to you

What will you do this Easter and Spring?


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