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Working with February's energy

May the stirring of life underground, stir new dreams into life within you.

May the flames of inspiration and new growth be ignited within your Being.

— Imbolc Blessing


Energetically, February is the awakening of nature from winter hibernation as we see the first signs of new spring life. Therefore, it’s an ideal time to take the ideas and insights you’ve reflected on and developed over winter and start preparing to activate them when you will have the seasonal energy of Spring to propel them forward.

Historical celebrations in February

The beginning of February has been celebrated since ancient times.  In the Northern hemisphere, it marks the peak of winter and the middle point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox – usually between 3-6 Feb.

In ancient Greece February was celebrated for the return of light after winter darkness and was known as a purification holiday.  Fires were lit to celebrate light, purify a space and burn things no longer needed. 

In ancient Rome, Februa was a celebration of cleansing and fertility on the winter’s last full moon. Roman priests would sacrifice a ram.  The blood symbolised human sacrifice and the hide, fertility.

In Pre-Christian Celtic times the Imbolc festival was held in February. Imbolc means in the belly in Irish Neolithic and refers to the time of year that sheep become pregnant. It celebrated the rising of the sun on the horizon line giving longer days and helping plants that had been underground during winter prepare to spring up.  The Celtic Goddess Brigid (Brigit, Brighid, Bride, Bridget, Bridgit, Brighde, Bríd) who represented inspiration, healing, and smithcraft with associations to fire, the hearth and poetry was celebrated.


In the 5th century when Ireland was Christianised, the goddess Brigid festival was Christianised to become Saint Brigid's Day.  This day also celebrates looking forward to brighter days, warmer weather, new growth on the land and the birth of farm animals.

For Christians, Candlemas is observed on 2 February, the day after St Brigid’s Day.  It celebrates light, rebirth and purification represented by: the presentation of the child Jesus; Jesus' first entry into the temple; and the Virgin Mary's purification.


Using the energy of February

In Northern hemisphere February the days are getting longer, bulbs are beginning to burst through the soil and we start to feel that Spring is not far off.  Therefore, it’s a time for bringing the new ideas and projects that we reflected on and imagined over winter into the lengthening light for fruition.  Some activities to consider in include:

Put pen to paper

Start to make plans for things that you’ve reflected on over winter.  It might be activities and behaviours you want to tweak or start anew.  Research resources, book in dates, and order materials.  Create vision and mood boards for your goals and ideas. Hold brainstorming sessions with friends and colleagues. You’ll then be ready to implement these ideas next month when you have Spring energy.


Start to make room for the new things you’ll implement in Spring.  This will set you up ready for a deeper Spring clean next month.


Declutter a draw / cupboard / shelf per day or room per week.  For ideas on cleansing your space my favourite book is Denise Linn’s, Space Clearing: How to Purify and Create Harmony in Your Home  


Unsubscribe to email lists, clear your inbox, delete photos, clear up your desktop etc.  You can find some tips here.


Do something that challenges you, like giving up something to make room for new habits.  You may give up alcohol, sugar, gluten, a midmorning biscuit, saying yes to every request, staying up too late, binge watching a series every night etc. 

Start a mindfulness or meditation practice to get clutter out of your head.  See mindfulness exercises here and meditation ones here.

Make your space aesthetically pleasing

Your physical decluttering will help with this. You can also:

Bring nature inside

Bring in pots of bulbs to decorate your space.

Snow drops are delicate flowers that resiliently spring up from the frost symbolising hope and new beginnings.Crocuses in their vibrant colours, signal the reawakening of earth and the return of warmth and growth.


Add white and green décor items into your home and work space

Add cushions, throws, candles, tablecloths, napkins, towels, images etc. White represents snowdrops and symbolises a blank canvas upon which you can create your new ideas and display your new habits and achieved goals. Green represents new life emerging in nature and signifies the beginning of things to come.


Lite a candle

Celebrate light and longer days as the ancients did by lighting candles.  They bring a warm ambience to your space.  Some people enjoy the ritual of lighting a candle when setting their intentions for the day / week / month. This ritual can convey the sparking of new things to come.

Lite a fire

Fire burns away things you wish to leave behind. Make lists of things you want to stop doing and burn them.

Sitting around a fire with family and friends is a good opportunity to reflect, spark new ideas, share thoughts and laugh together. Invite people over for fireside drinks or dinning.


Plant seeds

This month is a good time to plants seeds to align with nature’s reawakening. As you nurture your plants contemplate what you wish to cultivate and grow in your life.  See what to plant now here.

Take a detox bath, steam or sauna

Traditionally, Imbolc was a time for visiting holy water; a spring or a well, to purify and bring fertility to your dreams.  This month luxuriate in some detoxing baths.  Add Epsom salts with some essential oils (lemon, grapefruit, lemongrass, bergamot, mints, ginger, fennel) to a bath and relax. Get to a steam room or sauna if possible.  Have a facial.

Go for a walk

Go for a mindful walk in a park or nature area to look and listen for the signs of Spring.  This brings positive feelings of new things to come to life.


Over to you

What will you do this February to be ready for new things to blossom in Spring?


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