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The wellbeing effects of Jeong

I love exploring the wellbeing effects of different cultural concepts. I recently came across the Korean concept of Jeong. Learning about this is very timely for all of us because it’s about building connections and bonds which we all need after long periods of isolation and lockdowns.

What is Jeong?

Jeong is a Korean cultural concept described as warm, intimate feelings that arise from a relationship with another person coupled with the desire to do something for them. It’s about the bond that builds over time through shared experiences with people, places or things.

Benefits of Jeong

Creates lasting connections

If you have Jeong with someone, you will be both be available to support and help each other. This can help generate feelings of contentment, happiness, joy, gratitude and confidence.

Fosters generosity

Due to your connection, you’ll do things for others without expecting anything in return. This generates feelings of high self esteem and satisfaction with your own life.

Builds shared memories

Even if the other person is no longer in your life, you can recall fond memories or memories of supporting each other through tough times. Both can be useful to raise your spirits when feeling down, frustrated or overwhelmed. Shared memories with people who are still in your life keep your bond strong.

Builds community

As Jeong motivates people to do good for one another without expecting anything in return it helps create stable communities where people can rely on each other.

Business benefits

Jeong fosters loyalty, commitment, teamwork and good customer service.

How to create Jeong

Jeong is best understood by living it. Things you could do are:

  • Little acts of kindness for others you see or interact with regularly. Get ideas from Kindness Project and Random Acts of Kindness.

  • Practice being present with others you interact with regularly: listening actively. See how here.

  • Invite people to coffee or lunch (other than your usual friends or colleagues) and listen to their hopes, dreams and concerns.

  • Seek out experiences that you can invite others to share with you.

  • Volunteer to an organisation in your own community. Find out here.

Over to you

What will you do?


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